Credit Union

Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Federal Credit Union
P.O. Box 11146 | Alexandria, VA 22312
Phone: (703) 256-4802


The vision of the Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Federal Credit Union (MPBCFCU) is to be an integral part of its members’ financial portfolio.


The mission of the MPBCFCU is to offer savings and loan services to its members, promote thrift, and contribute to financial literacy in a trustworthy and secure environment.

Background Information

The Credit Union opened its doors in 2000. This member-owned, not-for-profit financial institution is dedicated to providing its members with quality financial services. The credit union has been serving its members with exceptional services for over 20 years with an all-volunteer board of directors and staff. The services currently being offered include share, Christmas, vacation and education saving accounts. The Credit Union also offers signature and share-secured loans.

 Membership Eligibility

You are eligible to join MPBC FCU if you are a member or employee of Mount Pleasant Baptist Church.  Your immediate family or household members are also included in the field of membership.  In accordance with the regulation governing eligibility, the field of membership includes: "spouse, child, sibling, parent, grandparent, grandchild, stepparents, stepchildren, step siblings, and adoptive relationships."

Once a member, always a member

Your membership in MPBC FCU is lifelong--whether you move, change jobs or retire--as long as your Share Account remains open. We encourage you to take full advantage of the many benefits your membership affords you.

Your savings are insured to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. government agency.


  • Please make sure we have your current home address and best phone number and email address so we can keep in touch.
  • A small transaction every year will keep your account active and avoid the monthly 'Inactive Account' fees.

To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account.

What this means for you, when you open an account, we will ask for your name(s), address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you. We will also ask to see documents identifying you such as social security card, driver’s license, passport or other government-issued documents.

MPBCFCU Loan Documentation

Loan Application

So that we may verify your reported income, please provide ONE of the following with your loan application:
- At least two (2) most recent pay stubs
- Proof of pension income
- Other written verification from your employer
- Copy of most recent signed tax returns if self -employed

Credit Check Release Form

Deposit Ticket

Credit Union Q&A

What are the requirements for membership in the MPBC?

You are eligible to join the MPBC FCU if you are a member or employee of the Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church. Your immediate family or household members are also included in the field of membership.  A membership application, proof of identification and minimum deposit of $6.00 ($5.00 for opening a share savings account and $1.00 towards administrative fees) are required. Adults (19 years of age and older) must deposit enough to increase their balance to $25.00 within 14 days of opening new accounts.

Are there fees and charges associated with a savings account?

Yes; a $1.00 fee to defray the administrative cost of opening an account. Share accounts that have had no deposits or withdrawals for 24 months or more are considered inactive and are subject to a $2.00 per month dormant account fee.  A minimum deposit of $5.00 will keep your account active.   

How long do I have to be a member before applying for a loan?

You may apply for a loan at anytime after becoming a member of the MPBC FCU.

How do I apply for a loan?

To apply for a loan, complete and return a loan application.  A loan application can be printed from the credit union page on the MPBC website or picked up at the credit union office at any time (at the door).  After a successful credit check, you will be notified when you can pick up your check.

Is my money safe in the MPBC FCU?

Yes, the National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. government agency, insures your savings up to $250,000.

Do you offer payroll deduction or direct deposits?

No, however we encourage members to use the online ‘bill pay’ option at their bank to make deposits or payments to their credit union account. The bank mails a check to the credit union and the check is deposited into your account the next business day and you are notified of the deposit via email.

It is not convenient for me to get to the credit union to make deposits; does that disqualify me from doing business with you?

No, you can make deposits to your accounts or loan payments at your convenience. You may place a check and deposit slip in the drop box on the credit union door. (Deposit slips and envelopes are at the door.) OR you may place a check in one of the special credit union envelopes and drop it in the offering basket on Sunday.  CHECKS ONLY –  NO CASH PLEASE. Your receipt will be mailed the next business day.

Is your loan interest rate comparable with banks?

We did a survey and our interest rates are comparable with other lenders.

Can children open accounts at the MPBC FCU?

Yes, children (under age 18) can open accounts, and the parent will be the custodian of the account.  Any withdrawals must be approved by the parent.

Will my financial information be protected?

Yes, credit union volunteers keep all financial information in strictest confidence.

Can a parent or grandparent open an account in a child's name?

Yes, the child’s date of birth and social security number are required to open the account. Because the child is a minor, the parent, guardian or responsible adult must be custodian of the account.

MPBC FCU ~ Wealth Building Starts Here 
voice 703-256-4802

MPBC Credit Union Feedback/Inquiry

Provide contact information for preferred reply to your inquiry.

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Submit any comments, concerns, or questions you have by filling out the form below. Suggestions are welcomed on how we may better serve you.