Christian Education

Christian Education Ministry. To provide Biblical training which enables individuals to know God's love, to become Christian examples, and to love others as God loves them. The group strives to ensure that all teaching ministries within the church complement one another for the work of the ministry and the edifying of the body of Christ.

Ministry Servant Leader: Rev. Margaret Barr | Email: 


MISSION: To provide a strong foundation in Christian Education by exposing students to the beauty of God’s creation and developing in them a belief in God’s Word by making a commitment to follow Christ.
SCHEDULE: In-person classes held on Sunday at 8:55 a.m. Classes for all ages:
  • Adult classes are held in the Pinkett/Sheppard Memorial Chapter.
  • Classes for ages 2-5 are held in the Nursery.
  • Classes for ages 5-18 are held in the Fellowship Hall.
  • Young Adult classes are virtual. Zoom meeting ID & passcode is posted on the MPBC homepage prior to event.
Virtual attendance is available Zoom. Meeting ID's and passwords provided prior to classes via email and mobile app notifications.