Scholarship Career Development Ministry

Define, develop, and implement strategies for maintaining, improving, and funding a Scholarship Business Ministry which responds to the continuing education and employment/career needs of our church family. To develop on-going programs to help our church family members, youth and adults, realize their education and career potential through participation in related church activity. To identify and work with organizations, corporations, and educational institutions throughout our community. To ensure the presence of God in all our activities through worship and prayer.


  • Assist our church family in applying for, and attending trade schools, community colleges, and universities.
  • Prepare Mount Pleasant Baptist Church students to attend local area college fairs.
  • Identify outside scholarship opportunities.
  • Provide savings bonds for Mount Pleasant Baptist Church children through 11th grade.
  • Develop a Career Center to assist Mount Pleasant Baptist Church members in locating job and career opportunities.
  • Conduct seminars and workshops designed to assist youth, adults, and seniors prepare for successful career searches.

Scholarship Program 2025-2026

The Scholarship Career Development Ministry has begun the application process of providing continuing education opportunities for the Mount Pleasant Church family. Click on the links to view the criteria and forms. Unless stated otherwise, applicants must be members of the Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, Alexandria, VA. All application materials must be emailed to   by April 13, 2025.

Scholarship Awards


  1. Active membership at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church within one year of the application.
  2. Plan to pursue education above the high school level (college, computers, business, or a trade).
  3. Cumulative grade point average of 2.8 or higher if applicable.



Each applicant must submit the following information:

  1. Letter of Acceptance for first year students or a letter of continuation of studies for second through fourth year students.
  1. An official or unofficial copy of your transcript showing a cumulative grade point average of 2.8 or higher (includes all college credits). If you are applying for a scholarship for your freshman year of college, you must provide a copy of your high school transcript showing a cumulative grade point average of 2.8 or higher.
  1. Two (2) letters of reference (teachers, counselors, employers, etc.) Applicants are encouraged to use Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Scholarship Career Development Ministry Reference Form which is available online. 
  1. Two (2) letter(s) of reference that support your church involvement by a ministry leader. A family member cannot submit a reference letter. Applicants are encouraged to use MPBC Scholarship Career Development Ministry Reference Form which is available online.
  1. Verification of a minimum of eight hours of community service within one year of application. This should be on letterhead (or by correspondence) that authenticates the organization where service is performed.
  1. When by choice or circumstance, one turns away from God and experience difficult times and situations, there is one thing to do. Using Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15: 10-32), provide your view on repentance and turning back to the Father. Essay should be one and a half page, double spaced with 12” font.
  1. One full packet which includes the application with supporting documents to be submitted to by the deadline.  Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Deadlines:  Applications must be received by April 13, 2025.



Tuition Assistance


  1. Active membership at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church within one year of the application.
  2. Plan to pursue education above the high school level (college, computers, business, or a trade).
  3. Cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher if applicable.

 CRITERIA FOR THE TUITION ASSISTANCE AWARD - Each applicant must submit the following information:

  1. Letter of Acceptance for first year students or a letter of continuation of studies for second through fourth year students.
  2. An official or unofficial copy of your transcript showing a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher (includes all college credits). If you are applying for a scholarship for your freshman year of college, you must provide a copy of your high school transcript showing a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher.
  3. Two (2) letters of reference (teachers, counselors, employers, etc.) Applicants are encouraged to use Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Scholarship Career Development Ministry Reference Form that is available online.
  4. Two (2) letter(s) of reference that support your church involvement by a ministry leader. A family member cannot submit a reference letter.  Applicants are encouraged to use MPBC Scholarship Career Development Ministry Reference Form which is available online.
  5. Verification of a minimum of sixteen (16) hours of community service within one year of application. This should be on letterhead (or by correspondence) that authenticates the organization where service is performed.
  6. Apostle Paul in the fourth chapter of Philippians gives advice on living a good life. Reading verses 4-9, give your thoughts on this advice.
    (Essay should be one and a half page, double spaced with 12” font).

  7. One full packet which includes the application with supporting documents to be submitted to  by the deadline.  Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

SPECIAL NOTE FOR APPLICANTS FOR TUITION ASSISTANCE: Students whose grade point average is less than 2.0 can apply as a Special Needs Applicant.  The Ministry will weigh the supporting documentation that is presented and make a fair and honest decision at that time.  In addition to the documents listed above, a letter must be submitted that explains the extenuating circumstances which prevented the student from maintaining a 2.0 grade point average (Learning disabilities, disruption of education due to student’s illness, death or illness of a close family member, etc.)
A learning disability has to be supported by an educational institution.



Florence Jones Scholarship Award

Florence L.A. Jones began her life’s journey on November 4, 1942 in Sussex County, Virginia.  She attended Plank Road Elementary School and graduated as Valedictorian in 1962 of her Senior Class from Central High School.  A very dear friend recognized strong potential in her to accomplish more and helped Florence realize her dream of going to college.  In 1970 she graduated from Virginia State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree.  She was an active member of the Virginia State College (University) Alumni Association. She joined the Bethany Baptist Church in Petersburg, Virginia while attending Virginia State College.

 After graduating from Virginia State University in 1970, Florence was employed by the Department of Army where she remained for more than 30 years. She traveled extensively and attended many seminars and training classes.  In 1978 she became an Auditor with the Internal Review Directorate in the Office of Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army.  Throughout her tenure with the Department of Army, she received many outstanding performance awards and commendations.

 Florence joined the Mount Pleasant Baptist Church August 1, 1980.  She was a dedicated member of the Ezekiel Missionary Ministry. She served as the secretary, vice-president and president.  It was a familiar sight at Mount Pleasant to see Florence with a stack of papers—work that had to get done so that someone would not go without.  She volunteered her time to the Congressional Black Caucus for several years.  Florence L.A. Jones departed this life on June 28, 2002.   

1. Active membership at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church within one year of application.
2. Plan to pursue education beyond the high school level (college, computers, business, or a trade).
3. Cumulative grade point average of 2.8 or higher if applicable.

Each applicant must submit the following information:
1. Letter of Acceptance from institution of higher learning (University/College)
2. Cost of Course(s)
3. Two (2) letters of reference from a Ministry Leader. Applicants are encouraged to use Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Scholarship Career Development Ministry Reference form which is available on-line.
4. A statement provided on agency’s official letterhead that you have completed at least eight hours of community service within one year of application.
5. Attach an official transcript that reflects the Cumulative Grade Point Average.
6. Complete Application and email to:  by the deadline. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
7. Applicants are limited to four requests in an eight-year period.
8. If the funds are not used for the requested purpose, the check must be returned to the Bookkeeper or Scholarship Ministry. A new application must be submitted for consideration.

Deadline: Application must be received by April 13, 2025.



Cara Gordon Distinguished Graduate Award


  1. Be an active member of Mount Pleasant Baptist Church.
  2. High School graduate for the year 2025.
  3. Active involvement in school, community and church environment.

 CRITERIA FOR THE SCHOLARSHIP - Each applicant must submit the following information: 

  1. A current official transcript.
  2. Two (2) letter(s) of reference that support your church involvement by a ministry leader. A family member cannot submit a reference letter.  Applicants are encouraged to use MPBC Scholarship Career Development Ministry Reference Form which is available online.
  3. Statement verification of a minimum of sixteen (16) hours of service to a community organization supported on official letterhead.
  4. A minimum of two letters of reference (teachers, counselors, employers, etc.) Applicants are encouraged to use Mount Pleasant Scholarship Career Development Ministry Reference Form which is available online.
  5. Special honor documentation: Documents submitted by person(s) of authority or distinction from educational institutions and/or community service organizations, which includes religious associations, noting a special honor, outstanding accomplishment or commendation you have been bestowed are reviewed with the higher rating.
  6. Essay. First Peter, Chapters 1 and 2, gives advice regarding the spiritual journey you are on. This advice points to enduring trials, displaying faith and love, and obeying God. Read 1 Peter, chapters 1 and 2 and give your view of why it is essential that you use and keep these spiritual tools throughout your life journey.

  7. One full packet which includes the application with supporting documents to be submitted to  by the deadline. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Deadlines:  Applications must be received by April 13, 2025.



To apply you must:

  • Complete appropriate application form(s)
  • Provide requested documentation (i.e., transcripts, essays, etc)
  • Submit a completed reference form

Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

Only electronic submission will be accepted.

Application deadline for all submissions: April 13, 2025 | Email:    

Reference Forms must be submitted with all applications.

  • Applicants: Fill in your name below and give this form and an envelope to the reference writer.  Address the envelope to: MPBC Scholarship Career Development Ministry
  • Reference Writer: Please enclose your reference in the envelope provided by the student and hand it back to them.

Below are links to download forms:

Click to Download Word Document

Click to Download PDF

AWARDS 2025-2026

The Scholarship Career Development Ministry has begun the application process of providing continuing education opportunities for the Mount Pleasant Church family. The 2024 awards and assistance program are listed below. Click on the links to view the criteria and forms. Unless stated otherwise, applicants must be members of the Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, Alexandria, VA. All application materials must be emailed to  by April 13, 2025.

2025 Savings Bond Award


  1. Participate actively in church activities / ministries, i.e. at least one of the following: 
    Children’s Virtual Worship Hour, Choir, Ushers or other ministries.  Participation must be supported by a letter from the Ministry Leader. A family member cannot submit the participation letter.
  1. Regularly participate in Virtual Church School.
  1. Have participated in at least one community service projects over the past year during this pandemic.
  1. Have a “C” average or better. (Please provide current report card)
  1. Will be entering eleventh grade or level below during school year 2025-2026.

 Each applicant must submit the following:

  1. Church Participation (supported by letter from ministry head)
  1. One letter of recommendation (can be from a teacher, counselor, coach, etc. Please use Mount Pleasant SCDM Reference Form (available online).
  1. An essay written by the student on chosen topic(s).
  1. One full packet which includes the application with supporting documents to be submitted to by the deadline. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

 Deadlines:  Applications must be received by April 13, 2025



Reference Forms must be submitted with all applications.

Applicants: Fill in your name and give this form and an envelope to the reference writer. Address the envelope to MPBC Scholarship Career Development Ministry.

Reference Writer: Please enclose your reference in the envelope provided by the student and hand it back to them.

Below are links to download forms:

Click to Dowload Word Document

Click to Download PDF